17 Sept 2013 ESA Living Planet 2013: SMOS+SOS related presentations and posters


Living Planet SMOS+SOS Poster

During the highly successful ESA Living Planet Symposium www.livingplanet2013.org in Edinburgh last week several SMOS+SOS related papers were given during the "SMOS over Ocean" and related poster sessions. Some of these presentations are now available for download here:

Sea Surface Salinity Observations With SMOS Satellite: a New Tool to Better Monitor the Marine Branch of the Water Cycle [Reul et al.]

Approaching four Years of the ESA SMOS Mission in Orbit: Progress in Measuring Salinity from Space [Banks et al.]

SMOS and in Situ Salinity: Rain and Near-surface Vertical Stratification Effects [Boutin et al.]

The ESA SMOS+SOS Project: Oceanography using SMOS for Innovative Air-sea Exchange Studies [Banks et al.]

SMOS and AQUARIUS SSS in and Around the SPURS/STRASSE Experiment [Hernandez et al.]